The organize the world movement has begun.
Based on the groundbreaking bestseller "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo, the KonMari® method of organizing has blossomed into a worldwide festival to clear our clutter. Living simpler lives, with fewer belongings, choosing what we wear, read, eat from, relax with and store for posterity is trending! Organizing or "tidying", based on an individual perspective of what brings us each joy, is the founding principle of this method.
The message is resonating on a deep level. Here's why. It is personal, not prescriptive. Our hearts tell us what to keep. There are traditional home organizers who approach a space by focusing on storage (designing, purchasing, adding) or set decision grids assigning numbers or analytical tools at the outset. Where this can succeed for a time, KonMari® organizing follows a process of organizing by category (not by location or where the item is used) at the start. It has exponential possibilities once you master one category in your space, the benefits compound as you perfect your individual "joycheck". That is the life changing aspect. The "magic" comes in when this paradigm impacts how you purchase, continue to declutter, and feel lighter and more intentional - allowing you to enjoy spending time doing the things you love with the people you love.